Secured QR Code

SMAC is a QR Code

that identifies an entity through a Universally Unique ID with 128-bit (1038) entropy, secured by a digital signature.

Sample SMAC
Prevents Phishing

Phishing persuades you

to take an action which gives a scammer access to your device, accounts, or personal information. By pretending to be a person or organization you trust, they can more easily infect you with malware or steal your credit card information.

In other words, these social engineering schemes “bait” you with trust to get your valuable information. This could be anything from a social media login, to your entire identity via your social security number.

The digital signature in SMAC prevents this.

Various Data Types

SMAC features a variety of data types

Health record
Business card

to support current business needs.

Configurable Rules Engine

The configurable rule engine filtering

Scan option
User role

allows SMAC owner to specify the target audience.

Try it now!

Register a free account to try SMAC

Here you can:

  • Create new SMAC.
  • Assign the information to be displayed or function to be performed when each SMAC is scanned.
  • Define access rules to ensure the information or actions reach your target audience.